““Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?” ”
Each year, the Todo lo Bueno community participates in a wide variety of activities, including weddings, bar mitzvahs, corporate retreats, vision quests, birthday parties, and Secret Santa gift exchanges.
We think you'll love these events as much as we all do.
Look at these beautiful women!
tlb women’s retreat | San Francisco | March 2019
This year’s TLB Women’s retreat was held in America’s Windy City—ESSEFF! Hosted by Dr. Becca Schwartz, MD, this retreat had it all—onesies, women, conversations, paradigm shifts, and tons of hugs.
We found a butt in a Joshua Tree!
P.S. I Love You | 2018 Corporate Retreat | Palm Springs |
December 2018
What better way to wrap up a record-breaking year for TLB than head to sunny California for our 2018 corporate retreat. Hosted in the area’s premier citrus grove/orchard, this year’s retreat didn’t disappoint.
Coordinated onesies—check.
Weed farm tour—check.
Getting completely lost in Joshua Tree—check. check. check.
Special thanks to Milo F.A.B. for coordinating such a prolific and memorable event!
Halejuliah! | new hope | September 2018
Wedding bells rung in 2018 as our very own Haley Thun and Julia Beamesderfer, MDs said I do! TLB cried literal tears of joy as these beautiful humans walked down the aisle, and were wed by our very own Eric Meyerowitz.
This wedding will be remembered for its perfect ceremony, one hell of a reception featuring a special Duis-inspired TLB dance routine, a rehearsal welcome party where Stove maybe blacked out, and a thoughtful, well-crafted, one-of-a-kind wooden ambigramic artistic creation constructed by TLB VP of Crafts and Maintenance Patrick Bredehoft. Mazel!
Mixing bevs, having fun!
Haley’s annual Cocktail Showcase | MArtha’s Vineyard |
July 2018
A select (and by no mean’s purposely coordinated) group of TLB members set sail for Martha’s Vineyard to enjoy a showcase of libations prepared by our own Haley Thun, MD. Ever have a Brandy Rum Punch? We had 40. Specialty cocktails were slung, a few ankles were severely sprained, and ABBA performed an unforgettable late night set. Mamma Mia - here we go again!
Looking forward to next year’s showcase—Mamma Mia 2: Pappa Pia Packs More Rum Punch!